Monday, January 6, 2014



Cellulite is a topic that many women, such as Kim Kardashian and Oprah, seem to talk about and acknowledge.  The majority of women, all around the world, either have cellulite or have had it at one point in their lives. How many of us can actually say that having cottage cheese thighs and butt is attractive? It's not! However, cellulite is normal. Cellulite, in the medical sense, is a combination fat, water and toxic waste. Obviously, the more overweight you are, the more cellulite you will contract on your body. But there are many skinny chix out there who have cellulite as well. The main question you probably have is......HOW DO I GET RID OF IT? Our Fashion Chix beauty experts compiled a list of remedies that can get you losing your cellulite just in time for the upcoming summer season. 

Your skin reflects everything that you put in it and in order to have beautiful, tight, flawless skin, you need to revolutionize your diet and lifestyle. Try reducing the amount of sugar, fatty and fried foods you put into your body. Drink 8-10 glasses of water PER DAY. Water is essential for the body and it actually keeps tissue healthy by moving everything throughout the body. 

Any regular cardiovascular activity that burns fat and calories will help minimize cellulite. Try jogging or running for a minimum of 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Toning exercises are key to tightening loose and flabby skin, which will decrease the amount of cellulite you have. 

Moisturizing should be apart of EVERY woman's daily beauty regimen. It keeps the skin looking and feeling fresh and clean. But moisturizing the skin while you are dieting and exercising can help improve the skins elasticity. There are many moisturizers out there that you can apply directly to the spots that have the most cellulite. Try using Lubriderm, Eucerin, Cetaphil or Curel. 

Try these steps and we guarantee your cellulite will be diminished greatly, if not free, of cellulite. We hope you enjoyed our FIRST beauty post and if you have any tips that you would like to share, please leave a comment. 



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